Fun Academy Story Book

 The Parent App Stories. Read or listen to Fun Learning stories together with your child. These four books contain all the Parent App stories of the Kip Crew adventures. There is a book for each age group of 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-year-olds. Each book includes 23 stories, one of which you can see below. 

Things To Wonder About with Your Child

Wondering leads to learning and creativity, and fuels curiosity. These questions inspire you to wonder together with your child and to respect the questions your child presents. 

Examine the picture together with the child. You will find questions that you can answer together, discuss, and come up with more things to wonder about. All this wondering will help you guide your child to look for answers, to ask more and to stay curious.

Wondering leads to learning and creativity and it’s fuel for curiosity. This part of the app inspires you to wonder together with your child and to respect the questions your child presents. 

Examine the picture together with the child and there you will find questions to which you can think of answers together with the child.

You can also find the question cards separately under the “I Wonder …” section in the menu.